Breaking Through with Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner (Powered by MomsRising)
The #RADIO show this week covers the inspiring wins that have kicked off in 2016 already, including President Barack Obama’s Executive Order on gun safety and what it means, as well as NYC Mayor De Blasio’s executive order for paid parental leave for all NYC employees.  The show also covers the Oregon occupation with a special interview with the Rural Organizing Project (ROP) who are in Oregon. We also discuss tips on how to Break the Cycle of dating abuse, including how to talk with your kids, teens and family members about healthy and unhealthy relationships.  
*Special guests include:  Caroline Fredrickson, American Constitution Society,  @crfredrickson; Andrea Hagelgans, Director of Communications NYC Mayor De Blasio, @andreahagelgans; Jessica Campbell, Rural Organizing Project (ROP), @ruralorganiz;  Laila Leigh, Break the Cycle@BreaktheCycleDV.
Direct download: MomsRising_01102016_Ep183_mixdown.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:16am EDT