Breaking Through with Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner (Powered by MomsRising)

Breaking Through is off this week, but we rounded up some of our favorite recent moments for this "Best Of" episode. This week we cover the intersection of art, culture, representation and politics with Jessica Byrd, a woman who was named the January Woman to Watch by Essence Magazine, “12 New Faces of Black Leadership” by Time Magazine, and Rolling Stone named her one of the most influential millennials shaping the 2016 election. Next, we cover the recently released book Invisible No More: Police Violence Against Black Women and Women of ColorThen we discuss why the fight for the Dream Act and for fair treatment of immigrant families is a fight for all of us. And lastly, a conversation about the next best steps in gun violence prevention.

*Special guests include:  Jessica Byrd,  Three Point Strategies, @JessicaLBYRD; Andrea Ritchie, author, @dreanyc123; Jess Morales Rocketto, National Domestic Workers Alliance, @JessLivMo@DomesticWorkers, Pastor Mike McBride, PICO Network, Live FREE Campaign, @pastormykmac;
Direct download: MomsRising_20180316_Ep276_mixdown.mp3
Category:politics -- posted at: 7:00am EDT

On the #RADIO show this week we cover the how and why to end mass incarceration — and the increased impact on women and children of mass incarceration; we also cover what’s happening with media and reporting; how you can get involved to protect the DREAMers and to fight for fair treatment of all immigrant families; and then we close the show talking about the continued fight for healthcare and how you can make a difference.
*Special guests include: 
Topeka Sam, 
 #Cut50 and 

The Ladies of Hope Ministries, 

Rinku Sen, author and political strategist, @rinkuwrites; Cristine Jimenez,  United We Dream (UWD), @CrisAlexJimenez and @UNITEDWEDREAM; Cheryl Fish-Parcham, Families USA, @FamiliesUSA.
featuring music from
Direct download: MomsRising_20180310_Ep275_mixdown.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:32am EDT

On the #RADIO show this week, we cover the next best steps in gun violence prevention; a new study showing that 81% of women have experienced harassment and steps to end it with; the campaign to get candidates to NOT take contributions from the NRA anymore (; and we close the show talking about the power of stories and of YOUR voice is covered next.
*Special guests include: Pastor Mike McBride, PICO Network, Live FREE Campaign, @pastormykmac; Holly Kearl, Stop Street Harassment, @HKearl; Nadine Smith,, Equality Florida, @1NadineSmith; and Donna Norton, MomsRising, @MomsRising. 
featuring music from
Direct download: MomsRising_20180303_Ep274_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:30am EDT

On the radio show this week we cover the intersection of art, culture, representation and politics with Jessica Byrd, a woman who was named the January Woman to Watch by Essence Magazine, “12 New Faces of Black Leadership” by Time Magazine, and Rolling Stone named her one of the most influential millennials shaping the 2016 election. We also cover the latest in reproductive justice with Planned Parenthood and hear from a leader in Florida about the next steps in preventing gun violence. Last but not least, we cover unequal pay, including Asian American Pacific Islander women’s equal pay day, and how we can move our nation forward.
*Special guests include: 
Jessica Byrd, 
Three Point Strategies,@JessicaLBYRD; Carmen Berkley, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, @PPact; Patti Brigham, Florida Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence, @FLCoPreventGV;  and Vimala Phongsavanh, National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum, @NAPAWF
featuring music from
Direct download: MomsRising_20180224_Ep273_mixdown.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:36am EDT

On the #radio show this week we cover net neutrality, the real fake news, AI trolling, and how to protect our democracy; and we also cover when, where and how people’s voices are having an impact.  In addition we discuss why the fight for the Dream Act and for fair treatment of immigrant families is a fight for all of us.  Last up, we cover big wins in paid family medical leave policies and why it’s important to you.  #KeepMarching!
*Special guests include: Ashley Boyd, Mozilla Foundation, @ashleyboydJess Morales Rocketto, National Domestic Workers Alliance, @JessLivMo @DomesticWorkersPamela Chomba,; and Ruth Martin, MomsRising, @lawncherub@MomsRising.
featuring music from
Direct download: MomsRising_20180217_Ep272_mixdown.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 11:11am EDT

On this show we talk about the power of women’s voices, stories, words and actions, we cover the #StateOfOurUnion, learn more about toxic stress and how to deal with it, and get the inside scoop on how tiny lobbyists can have a big impact. 
*Special guests include: Jamia Wilson, bestselling author and director of the Feminist Press, @jamiaw; Ai-jen Poo, National DOmestic Workers Alliance (NDWA) @domesticworkers@aijenpoo; author Nadine Harris Burke, MD, @DrBurkeHarris; and Michelle Morrison, Little Lobbyists, @LittleLobbyists.
featuring music from
Direct download: MomsRising_20180210_Ep271_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:30am EDT

On the #RADIO show this week we celebrate that millions of women again just took to the streets to march on the Women’s March anniversary with the co-President of the march; we celebrate that paid family/medial leave is gaining momentum across the nation including in Pennsylvania where a recent poll found 80% support; we cover the new book Invisible No More: Police ViolenceAgainst Black Women and Women of Color; and we discuss the danger of marginalized communities getting pushed out of dual language programs and why it impacts you.

*Special guests include: Bob Bland, co-Preident of the Women’s March, @WomensMarch; Carey Cummings, Working Families Party PA, @wgfpaAndrea Ritchie, author, @dreanyc123; Conor Williams, New America, @NewAmerica.
featuring music from
Direct download: MomsRising_20180129-Ep270_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:39pm EDT

On the #RADIO show this week we talk about how people powered positive change is happening right now across the nation—and hear examples of recent wins across the country. We also get the inside scoop on the State of America's Children from the Children’s Defense Fund.
*Special guests include: Melissa Stewart@NYSWorkersComp‏; Councilmember Antonio Reynoso, @CMReynoso34; Maine Speaker of the House Sara Gideon, @saragideon; MaryLee Allen, Children’s Defense Fund, @ChildDefender
Direct download: MomsRising_20180122_Ep269_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EDT

On the radio show this week we talk about hope in the holidays — and how to find more hope and joy in this often stressful season; we cover transformative justice and electronic language dissonance  talk about pulling the fire alarm on the childcare crisis in America; and discuss how wins are happening in a BIG way in states across the nation.
*Special guests include: Rachel Thomas, LeanIn, @LeanInOrg; Andy Izenson, attorney with Diana Adams Law & Mediation; Lynette Fraga, Childcare Aware of America, @childcareaware; and Karyn Bruggeman, State Innovation Exchange (SiX), @stateinnovation
featuring music from
Direct download: MomsRising_12182017_Ep268_mixdown.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:38am EDT

On the #RADIO show this week, we cover the importance of net neutrality; how and why to speak up about the tax debacle in Congress; what’s happening with resisting and persisting in the states — and why we need to fight for the DREAM Act; and how paid family medical leave passed in New York!
*Special guests include: Jessica Rosenworcel, FCC Commissioner, @jrosenworcel; Elaine Maag, Urban Institute, @urbaninstitute; Sam Mungar, SiX,  @stateinnovation; and Molly Weston Williamson, A Better Balance, @ABetterBalance
featuring music from
Direct download: MomsRising_12112017_Ep267_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:30am EDT